School Trip Rome: Tour of Bitterne Park School

/School Trip Rome: Tour of Bitterne Park School

School Trip, Rome tours with teenagers are normally harder than the toursĀ  that we do with adults. But it was very enjoyable for me to be the private tour guide in Rome of Bitterne Park School Southempton England, for the first day of their vacation. I was knowing just a little bit about their soccer team, until their “visit of Rome” last week.

School Trip Rome Tours with Rome Tourist Guide

School trip Rome tours with teenagers are generally harder and it is normal. Because today there are many devices and attractions that can take their attention. But yesterday it was very enjoyable for me. The students were very well educated and polite. Generally, school groups are less interested with ancient story. They come here more for fun. But this guys were very interested with the history of Rome. They asked many questions and I was so happy of having their attention all the tour of Rome.
The teachers were very careful. School trip RomeThe students were moving with their teachers and obey them. I felt myself instead of their Rome tourist guide, such a teenager who descovers this city together with his friends. Thank you guys. I hope you will grow up and tell your children about the beauty and the wonders of Rome. Have a nice vacation.
